All Natural Cacao Nibs Peanut Butter ( Sweetened with Jaggery ) - 200 g
12 In Stock Sold Out 12

Quantity - 200g
“Food of the Gods”. Immunity booster. Stress buster. Tasty! Creamy! Gluten free. Easily digested. . Product of natural farming.
Processing: Artisanal, Hand-pounded.
Health Benefits: Nutrient rich. Low carbohydrate content. Contains potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin B and magnesium. Powerhouse of proteins. Rich in dietary fibre. Improves blood cholesterol level. Reduces the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Protects nerves from injury. (Katz 2011)
TARU Cacao nibs has beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, Mood enhancer. Immunity booster. Low in sugar. Nerve strengthener. Reduces risk of hyper-tension. (Katz 2011)
How to use: Used as a spread on breads/chapattis/biscuits. In smoothies, as a dip, cakes, cookies, pancakes, and crepes.
Storage: Refrigerate immediately.