Curative, Therapeutic, Fiber-rich, Low Glycemic Index, Diabetic Friendly, Gluten less than 1%, Healthy for the heart.
Ready to eat a healthy, complete meal. Organically Grown by small scale organic farmers from Maharashtra. Product of Zero Budget Natural Farming practices.
Health Benefits
Emmer wheat, commonly known as ‘Khapli’, has curative properties for treating diabetes & cardiovascular diseases, capacity to lower blood glucose, lipid levels. (A Rahman, 2016). Nutritionally superior in protein, dietary fiber, low in carbohydrate digestibility, low glycemic value. (Kreft et al, 1998)
How to Use
Roast one cup upma mix in a cast iron pan till toasty. Separately temper mustard seeds, soaked black gram, curry leaves, chopped onions and green chillies in oil or ghee. Add to roasted upma. Heat 2 or more cups of water. Add to the mix and stir till done. turn off heat, cover and leave for a few minutes, Serve.